Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Molly Recap

My first step into 3dsav was the destructive marzipan scan with Shahar.  I did some simple projects, starting from the depth visualizer code: creating a cube that changed colors,

then adding dot particles  from a center point, when a person moved passed a z space threshold.

In the course of things I broke a lot of projects, especially moving back and forth between 062 and 007, but that's been really useful for getting sea legs in OF.  But I spent most of the semester working on tests for a larger project called The Hidden Kingdom.  My final for 3dsav includes getting spheres set up in a 3d space aligned with the Kinect space, defining boxes of space to determine interactions with people, starting treatment of the lighting, and reaction of the spheres.  When a person comes in contact with a cube of space, all of the spheres in that space turn red and start to wobble upward... Code is here!

In action

Testing with Interaction Cubes Outlined

hiddenkingdomtestt from Molly Schwartz on Vimeo.

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