Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Frankie: Recap

I came into the class with no prior knowledge of 2d computer vision or 3d graphics, so it's been a great learning experience. The class was a fast paced overview of 2d computer vision techniques as well as an exploration of 3d sensing and visualization. It was exciting and I feel motivated to delve deeper into many of the topics we covered when I have more time in the future.

During the first week, I worked with Kevin and Nisma on hacking a camera into an IR scanner.

The bounding box (cube) and centroid assignment was a good intro into translating 2d computer vision exercises into a 3d context.

Creating an object in 3d space and making it into a "switch" of sorts gave me a taste of what types of interactions were possible in 3d space.

I was also exposed to OpenGL and shaders for the first time, and had some fun experimenting with the various types of meshes. My favorite was the triangle fan mesh.

For the final project, I worked with Zach and Fred to create Budget Climb, project that brought together our interests in data visualization and interactions in 3d space:

Created using openframeworks, the Microsoft Kinect and OpenNI Budget Climb is a physically interactive data environment where we can explore 26 years of federal spending - giving us a unique perspective on how our government spends our money. In order to explore the data we must exert physical effort, revealing how the budget is distributed in a novel and tangible way.

budgetclimb github repo

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